New On Bundle: We Added A Crypto!
Plus email verification for a safer Bundle, currency switching and more.
What would life be without options? Probably bland and uninteresting. 😑
Thankfully, that’s not your reality on Bundle. 😌
Giving you options matters to us as much as making crypto easy for you to understand and keeping our community safe, so it’s only right that the latest version of Bundle adds a token that has been on every crypto enthusiast’s lips lately.
The wait for LINK is over! 🎉
Hello, LINK 🔗
This young and trending crypto launched officially just last year but it’s already quite popular, rising in value by 68.7% in a single week this August!
You can start buying and selling LINK on Bundle right away, but you should read our process for listing crypto to know what’s coming next for the new token.
Even More Options 🔢
The US dollar is the global standard for fiat currency but you may want to see your wallet balance in your local currency instead.
Whenever you feel that way, tap the currency dropdown button on your Bundle home screen to switch between currencies. Comes in handy. 👍🏾
Clarity Is Key 🧐
It’s annoying to have your heart set on making a withdrawal from your wallet only to discover that you’ve reached your withdrawal limit for the day.
Well, not anymore.
We’ve put your withdrawal limit in a place where you can’t miss it. No more wondering, no more confusion. 🙌🏾
And still about clearing up confusion, we’ve made it easier for you to tell the difference between withdrawals and transfers to your contacts.
Your Email Is Everything 📧
A safe Bundle makes everyone happy, and knowing who’s using the app protects the entire community.
To help us know Bundlers better, we’ve made email verification mandatory for everyone.❗️
It’ll only take you a few minutes to confirm your email address, then we’ll sign you out of your account to complete the verification and you can sign back in to get on with your trading. ⚡️
We can’t wait to share what’s next with you.
Until then, get the latest Bundle on Google Play or the App Store and stay bundled! ✌🏾